The Sembahe Baths

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Indonesia tourist interest. yes, some of my earlier articles also featured articles on the Indonesian tourist who was incredibly beautiful, why did I say like that, because many tourist who said that way and indeed the fact is that tourism in Indonesia is really beautiful and interesting. Indonesian tourism is also not inferior to the europe tour, Indonesian tourism due to have a complete list of tours ranging from hiking tours, backpacker tours, surfing, and has a beach that lies along Sumatra to Papua. but this time I will discuss about the tour which is located not far from the Gundaling Hill even tourist attractions we will pass this before we reached the hill Gundaling. this place called "the Baths Sembahe", Sembahe itself is the name of the bathhouse area.
ok, the topic for this time we are able namely discuss Sembahe baths. why did I choose the bathing place, because with our bath will feel a sensation of a refreshing Relax and make us feel. and that we must do every day that we are comfortable and clean the body from germs that stick to our bodies. and bath on the usually sure we doing in the bathroom or pool area, but have you ever showered over large rocks and then a lot of water flowing over rocks that have cold temperatures and on the right and left you lay a forest inhabited by a very high trees and leafy. for me this is a remarkable place because it has a beautiful panorama. This place is called "the Baths Sembahe", many people who came here to enjoy bathing in the open and has a cool atmosphere and comfortable, and certainly will make you feel Relax and get a new sensation of bathing in nature open freely. and maybe you'll want to come back to this place because the place is incredibly beautiful. I say wonderful because of the combination of large stone and threw out the water that flows make a sound so distinctive atmosphere bathhouse has a completeness criterion is so incredible sights. and for tourist sites are located in the Province of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. maybe if you read my other article came from several tours northern Sumatra, North Sumatra was due to have a region that is rich in beautiful sights and interesting to visit. ok, tourism information we are today quite up here I hope this information is useful for loyal readers of my blog. thank you, see next time.
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Gundaling Hill

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

See you again in my blog That Will always be updated with news of the world tourism, this time We still talk about Indonesian Tourism, why are still discussing this, Because so many tours Indonesia Certainly attracted our attention and for discussing it. We may already bored with the Europe tour or a trip to Africa region. and maybe you also have frequent trips to Latin America region, or already too Tired to travel to Hawaii area. Will therefore today I invite you all to see the beauty of the hill located Gundaling in the province of North Sumatra. This tour offers the charm of the hill is fairly high. and this place is also Suitable for Honeymooners or for couples lovers, Because the place is romantic and cool water. this place offers many types of tours, Such as round up the tour with a horse That guided the owner, there are also tours to pick fruit straight from the garden, and also like the flowers here are also available. and if We visit the market there That area in Will you find a variety of merchandise Surrounding hills and city Gundaling Berastagi, examples of merchandise on offer is clothing, key chains, necklaces, Bracelets, and many others.
and to enter this area Afraid you do not worry it was expensive enough to pay no more than USD $ 1 you can enter this area.

Can you see the photo in the news this is my current photo on the hill Gundaling, you can notice That the hill is fairly high and Could see plantation at the foot of the hill, and if you notice more detail you Will see from a distance there is visible Sinabung Foothills. and if you want to Spend the Night you can stay at the inn are available near the town of Berastagi is located not less Gundaling 5-10 km from the hill. atmosphere here is very cold night so I hope if you want to visit this area, is expected to prepare the thick clothing to be comfortable and not cold at the time in the hill Gundaling. and you also do not worry about the price of lodgings here, Because the price is not too expensive.

oh yeah, I forgot to Convey That this area also offers hiking tours, and can be accompanied by a guide WHO can Communicate well and deliver critical point and possibly historic. so how do you think our travel news this time, Pulled out, and I think a complete tourist Attractions as there are fruit picking tours, travel around with a horse, a typical flower tours Indonesia, and also can hiking tour if you are interested to take a hike with a guide WHO works in the area. complete with a tour like this come visit us at Gundaling Hill, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Ok thank you for visiting, See U.
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South Coast Jewel in Lombok

Friday, September 9, 2011

You get bored with the europe tour. I would advise you to travel to Indonesia. because the Indonesian tourism is very beautiful, ranging from hiking, surfing, and beach. do not worry because the Indonesian tourism, including tourism into a popular world visited by foreign tourists. lombok beach example which I will discuss later. because it is situated not far from the coast of Bali, then chilies also began to travel much visited by foreign tourists who curious with tours extraordinary. ok we are following the news of this clay.
Kuta on Lombok’s south coast is a world away from its more famous namesake in Bali. Here the beaches are clean, the sands blindingly white and the turquoise ocean stretches as far as the eye can see. In contrast to the traffic and congestion of Kuta, Bali; this Kuta is a laid back paradise for surfers and sun-seekers.
Kuta is the main town and centre of tourism development on the south coast of Lombok, and is the hub for exploring the fantastic southern beaches and the many points of interest in the region. Located around 60 kms south of Mataram and about one and a half hour’s drive from Senggigi, Kuta (sometimes spelt Kute) makes for a wonderful day trip from other points in Lombok, or an alternative holiday destination for travelers exploring Lombok.

Kuta and the surrounding region has gained an international reputation for some of the best surfing destinations in Southeast Asia and it is here that the gentle waters surrounding Lombok meet the currents of the Indian Ocean, forming great swells and surf breaks. The result of this oceanic activity is seen in the fantastic vistas of cliffs, headlands and beaches carved out of the southern coastline. Kuta attracts thousands of visitors every year for the great surf locations nearby and it’s easy to hire a board and surf guide from here to learn surfing or, for experienced surfers, to access the more challenging surf breaks in the area.

The drive down to the south coast is an interesting rural tour of small villages and farming communities. Fields of tobacco, corn and peanuts line the roadsides and farmers till the fields using antiquated ploughs pulled by large water buffalo. Just before arriving in Kuta, the road passes two traditional Sasak villages Sade and Rambitan. On the east side of the road is Rambitan, a village that caters to tourists and has authentic clusters of thatched lumbung, or traditional rice barns. On the west side of the road is Sade, an authentic hilltop village with the oldest mosque in Lombok, Mesjid Kuno. Both villages are interesting examples of traditional Sasak architecture and communal living within the compounds, where life continues as it has for centuries. Residents, who act as guides for a small fee, encourage walks through either of these villages and are happy to share a glimpse of their lifestyles with visitors.

The South Coast it self provides plenty of opportunities for exploring beaches and coastal scenery of such breath-taking beauty it is hard to describe. Around 4 km east of Kuta is Tanjung A’an, with white sand beaches and good waves for surfers. Further east is Gerupuk, well known as a top surf location and situated on a peninsula of land that juts out into the ocean, with stunning views of the sea, and the surrounding islands and bays.

To the west of Kuta area a series of beautiful beaches and bays hidden behind headlands and rolling hills, providing peaceful and secluded spots for picnics and swimming. Mawun beach is around 30 minutes drive to the west and is a picturesque bay with a nice white sand beach. There are good right-and left-hand barrels for surfing here when the swell is large enough. Further west are many more scenic bays and beaches, largely deserted, although the road deteriorates rapidly and the going can be rough at times. Be sure to use an experienced local guide with a good vehicle.

There are a good variety of hotels and restaurants for all budgets in Kuta to make a stay enjoyable, including the up-market Novotel Coralia Resort with its stunning beachfront location and traditional Sasak architecture. Situated just to the east of the main Kuta area, this beach is sometimes referred to as Mandalika, named after the legendary Princess Mandalika. It is near here that the local community gathers every year to celebrate the colourful ritual of Bau Nyale, when masses of sea worms spawn in the waters offshore.

Steeped in history and legend, the south coast is a fascinating area to visit, whether your interests are historical, cultural or just the opportunity to see and explore some of the most beautiful and pristine coastal scenery in Indonesia.

ok so day tours this article we'll see you next time.
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From Beach To Mountain Padang

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This time I will give you something very nice to my faithful readers. my article that will list your vacation on the beach. This beach is located on the island of Sumatra or precisely in western Sumatra in Indonesia at the call of the desert. let's see a more complete explanation below. Padang Glance

Padang is the capital of West Sumatra Province. Padang city has a cultural and tourism potential of the extraordinary. The city is an area of ​​694.96 sq km inhabited by more than 787,740 inhabitants (2004) Muslim-dominated population. Padang city is also known as Marine City. The city has 84 km coastline and small islands among which were 19 pieces in the District Bungus Sikuai Island Bay area of ​​38.6 km ² mourning, Toran Island in the District of South Padang area of ​​25 km ², and Banana Island Tower is an area of ​​21.12 km ² is also in South Padang Subdistrict.
Sweet Water beach where legend Malinkundang who cursed his mother into stone is one of the most popular attraction of tourists. But in addition to Sweet Water Beach, at Padang Padang beach attractions there are every holiday flooded with visitors who want to enjoy the sunset (the sun before sunset). In Padang beach visitors were presented with a beautiful beach although abrasion recognized for decades have damaged the shoreline of Padang. That said, once the white sandy beaches of Padang, such as white sand that is still found in a number of small islands in the coastal city.

To support the tourism sector, the Government of Padang providing relaxing places on the outskirts of the nice beach. Dozens of small traders selling a variety of different foods and beverages. Typical dish in Padang beach which can be found visitors, young coconut is a fruit merchant, flour fried shrimp and of course the sate Padang.

Not only that, if pegunjung want to eat chitterlings in the daytime, there are also many restaurants with specific dishes grilled fish or grilled squid. The diner does not have a classy luxury at a great price, but also can choose lunch on grilled fish huts on the shore while enjoying the beach breeze sepoinya.

To give comfort to children who are, at Padang beach there is also a children's play area. There were parents with their children can train a mini-sized travel routes with tourist sites along the road the Padang Beach.

Gunung Padang and Ancient Cannons

Not far from the beach there is a tourist attraction Mount Padang Padang is only separated by a river named Muaro Padang. In Padang the mountain, it is said there is a grave Siti Nurbaya as depicted in Roman Marah Rusli Siti Nurbaya essay published in 1922. But the grave is only legend, not fact.

To go to the location of attractions you can pass Padang Mountain Bridge Siti Nurbaya or boat ride across Batang Arau (Muaro Padang). Gunung Padang stood resolutely facing the Indian Ocean. Entering the area, visitors will be through a residential community that their homes are on the hill slopes of Mount Padang. Approximately five-minute trip will arrive at the foot of Gunung Padang. There we can enjoy the historic objects in the form of an old cannon from World War II that led to the river mouth muzzle. To reach the top you must pass the path bertangga-stairs made from cement to reach the location of Siti Nurbaya Cemetery.

Around this mountain range covered by trees so it feels very comfortable atmosphere. However, road conditions or steps are supposedly not as good as fifteen years ago. Reach the top there are several holes hiding place and reconnaissance (bunker) relics of the Japanese army.

From the summit of Gunung Padang, visitors can enjoy the beautiful panorama of the Indian Ocean, Batang Arau and Padang in all its activities. From here the scenery presented Sweet Water Beach and from a distance looks a verdant island in the middle of the ocean blue.

Old Town and the Bridge Siti Nurbaya

Padang mountain at an altitude of about 400 meters and a pretty exhausting trip as a break away for a moment at the peak of Mount Padang. Fun, relaxed while lying or sitting on large rocks or green grass, visitors can enjoy the scenic beauty was accompanied by a soft drink or a pack warm rice.

After enjoying the view from the summit of Gunung Padang Padang, you can drop back and then stop in the Old City view from the top of the Bridge Siti Nurbaya. The meaning of the Old City is the historic buildings are still there along Muaro Padang. The building was a Dutch heritage but is now generally inhabited by Chinese citizens.

Well, if tired stopping in coastal and mountain Padang Padang, Pasar Raya Padang go to where there you can buy a variety of different crafts that you can make fruit hand back from the city of Padang.

Access to Tourism Object

Reach the location of Padang Beach attractions, Mount Padang, Bridge Siti Nurbaya and Raya Padang market is not too difficult. The location is easily accessible means of transportation available is sufficient in the city of Padang. If you land at Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) in West Sumatra, you can hire a taxi to the tourist sites that you want in there. Travel costs of BIM to the location of around Rp. 75.000, - up to

Alternatively, the location can be reached by riding public transportation from Pasarraya Padang. If the BIM could ride a special bus passengers from the airport to Pasarraya rate Rp. 15.000, - per person. While the Pasarraya followed by public transportation to Padang Beach by paying Rp. 2.000, - per person (IDR 2000 / per person). For those of you who use a motorcycle, would be more easily lshi reach.
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