Danau Singkarak

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lake Singkarak located in two districts in West Sumatra, Solok and Tanah Datar. With an area of ​​107.8 km ² lake is the second largest lake on the island of Sumatra. This lake is upstream Ombilin Trunk. The water of the lake was partly drained through the tunnel through the Bukit Barisan to the Batang Anai Singkarak hydropower generators to drive near Lubuk Alung, Padang Pariaman.

Fish Bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) is a species of fish are expected to live only in this lake [1], and became one of the typical food. Research experts revealed 19 species of fish live in freshwater aquatic habitats of Lake Singkarak, Solok and Tanah Datar regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), with the limited availability of food ingredients. Of the 19 species, three species of which have high population density, namely fish Bilih / Biko (Mystacoleusus padangensis Blkr), Asang / Nilem (Osteochilus brachmoides) and Rinuak. Other fish species that live in Lake Singkarak is, Turiak / turiq (Cyclocheilichthys de Zwani), Lelan / Nillem (Osteochilis vittatus), Sasau / Barau (Hampala mocrolepidota) and Gariang / Tor (Tor tambroides).

Then, Kapiek fish species (Puntius shwanefeldi) and Balinka / Belingkah (Puntius Belinka), Baung (Macrones planiceps), Kalang (Clarias batrachus), Jabuih / pufferfish (Tetradon Mappa), Kalai / carp (carp Osphronemus lac) and Puyu / Betok (Anabas testudeneus). Furthermore, species of fish Sapek / Sepat (Trichogaster trichopterus), Tilan mastacembelus unicolor), Jumpo / Cork (Chana striatus), Kiuang / Cork (Chana pleurothalmus) and Mujaie / Oreochromis mossambicus (Tilapia pleurothalmus), added Hafrijal. With only 19 species of fish that live in Lake Singkarak show the diversity of fish in places that are not too high. Lake Singkarak mesogotrofik conditions that cause this habitat carrying capacity for development and growth of aquatic organisms such as plankton and betos, very limited.

From a few times and showed betos plankton in Lake Singkarak is very low.

Whereas plankton communities (phytoplankton and zooplankton) is the basis of the formation of a food chain and plays an important role in a lake ecosystem. Under these conditions, causing a major source of nutrients naturally fish generally are the various types of plankton and benthos. Lake Singkarak is at the geographical coordinates of 0, 36 degrees South Latitude (LS) and 100.3 east longitude (BT) with a height of 363.5 meters above sea level (masl). Water surface area of ​​Lake Singkarak reached 11,200 hectares with a maximum length of 20 kilometers and 6.5 kilometers wide and a depth of 268 meters. This lake has a watershed along the 1076 kilometers with rainfall of up to 252 melimeter 82 per month.

source : http://tiar-wisata.blogspot.com


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